Help us connect young adults with disabilities  image

Help us connect young adults with disabilities

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Inclusion is not coming and knocking on your door

Premised on the belief that a meaningful life includes a home, a job, family, friends and social opportunities with their peers - able and otherwise - You're With Us! connects teens and young adults (14+) with disabilities who, because of their disabilities, are not part of a group, community or activity that would be typical of their abled peers.

You're With Us! identifies and trains college clubs, groups, and teams to be welcoming and supportive peers to the disabled. The college group then helps create and support a Positive Experience Design (PED) customized for the young adult to help him or her transition from school to an adult life in the community.

All people are healthiest when they feel safe, supported, and connected to others in their neighborhoods and communities. The inclusion of young adults with disabilities in these communities provides the essential social skills and leadership tools to allow them to lead a full life.